Innovation Happens Everywhere - Not Only in the Tech Sector

Identifying innovation incorporated in business models has been our expertise since 2017. We believe that every company can and should be an innovation company. Innovation has proven to be the defining factor for a company's adaptability, progress, and ultimately resilience and sustainable evolution way beyond ESG or SDG criteria. We filter for actual returns and profitability through innovation, and don’t get misled by money spent or hypes.

We call this applied innovation, and that's how we measure innovation across industries and sectors. We are owners of the Singularity Index™, the global gold standard in innovation benchmarking - available to institutional, professional and retail investors via The Singularity Fund™. The Singularity Small & Mid extends our methodology to upcoming innovation leaders and The Singularity Reshoring focuses on the drivers behind the ongoing deglobalization macrotrend. Our latest addition is the LUKB Smart Farming AMC in collaboration with Luzerner Kantonalbank.

Find the SFDR Disclosure here.

Screening for Profitable Innovation

Screening for Profitable Innovation

Using a unique methodology, we screen for applied innovation across our Singularity Sectors – a selection of the most relevant technologies of our time. Our Innovation Scoring system enables us to quantify a company’s exposure to innovation across sectors and industries globally - and as it evolves over time. Screening the global equity universe for applied innovation allows us to identify real trends, backed up by value generation and profitability. The Singularity Innovation Score is a leading innovation indicator – empowering asset managers, professional, and retail investors alike to invest in applied innovation.

Singularity Fund™

Singularity Fund™

The Singularity Fund™ gives investors direct access to the most innovative listed companies.

Singularity US Innovation Leaders

Singularity US Innovation Leaders

Identifying the most innovative companies within the NASDAQ 100. A LUKB AMC.

Singularity Small & Mid

Singularity Small & Mid

The Singularity Small & Mid portfolio gives investors access to the next generation innovation leaders.

LUKB Smart Farming

LUKB Smart Farming

Invest in the innovation leaders in agriculture. In collaboration with Luzerner Kantonalbank.

Singularity Reindustrialization

Singularity Reindustrialization

Singularity Reindustrialization invests in the innovation leaders behind the reshoring macrotrend.

Singularity Index™

Singularity Index™

The Singularity Index™ has been established as the gold standard in equity innovation benchmarking since 2017.


Zentralschweizer Wirtschaftsforum

Unsere CEO Evelyne Pflugi wird als Speakerin beim Podiumsgespräch "Fokus Maschine" vertreten sein.

5 September 2024

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